Advice for Healthcare Providers – Lori


Lori describes the need for due diligence on the part of a healthcare provider.


I would say treat us like you would want to be treated. Take them seriously because they’re not there to waste your time. Maybe one out of 99 are, but they’re not there to waste your time. They’re there for a reason. If it’s the family doctor send them for a cardiology workup, just to see. Do an ECG. You know even if so, do an echo. It’s not that hard to do an echo – you know just to see how the heart function is. It doesn’t take long out of a doctor’s day to you know act like they care about this woman, because women already feel unappreciated. A lot of women do, believe me, but when we go to the doctors we’re going there for a reason. And maybe it is nothing, maybe it isn’t but if you’ve done your due diligence as a healthcare professional it will make the patient feel better.

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